Flying Colours Corp confirms 2- REG maintenance approval

Flying Colours Corp., the international maintenance, repair, overhaul and completions company, has received approval from the Guernsey Director of Civil Aviation to perform maintenance work on business aircraft registered on the territory’s 2-REG Aircraft Registry.

The approval, given on 28 October, means that a full range of regular and line maintenance work can be undertaken at Flying Colours Corp’s Peterborough-headquarters on business jets listed on the 2-REG registry. Bolstering the approval Flying Colours Corp. is also approved to undertake continuing airworthiness and maintenance work on a comprehensive set of airframes, including all those listed under its Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) approval. These include Bombardier, Gulfstream, and Dassault models, amongst others. This validation also grants Flying Colours Corp. the privilege to sign Certificates of Release to Service for 2- REG aircraft, so supporting a faster re-entry into service after maintenance work is completed.

“More and more operators are using the 2-REG Aircraft Registry for its efficient services, streamlined approach, and ease of obtaining personalized registration marks for their aircraft, so we are delighted to have attained this approval,” commented Eric Gillespie, executive vice president, Flying Colours Corp. “We can now support even more aircraft in their maintenance needs including the 2-REG aircraft falling under our TCCA approvals. For customers listed on this registry and operating in Europe or North America they now have another choice in terms of maintenance services. For reduced downtime interiors, avionics upgrades or exterior paintwork services can be conducted in parallel with the maintenance. That is very attractive to many owners, particularly in the current dynamic business aviation landscape. ”

This latest approval adds to the existing broad range of maintenance approvals that Flying Colours Corp. has achieved. Current approvals include CAAC, Cayman Islands, GACA, FAA, EASA, the Isle of Man, the State of Qatar and Transport Canada. Combined, these certifications enable the business to offer ongoing services to the growing number of private aircraft entered into these registries.