EMBRAER S.A.: Notice to the Market: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Embraer S.A. Executive Vice-President and Investor Relations Antonio Carlos Garcia released a statement addressing the Russia and Ukraine conflict:

“Embraer S.A. hereby informs the market about the impacts in its business and operations resulting from the Russia and Ukraine conflict.

“The Company has suspended parts, maintenance, and technical support services for certain customers to comply with the sanctions imposed on Russia, Belarus, and certain regions of Ukraine by laws of jurisdictions to which Embraer is subject.

“In addition, Embraer informs that there is no immediate concern over the availability of titanium in its supply chain, considering its strong current inventory position and the existing contracts for the provision of this material with companies in other countries.

“Embraer will continue to monitor its supply chain and to seek alternative sources.

“The Company will keep the market duly informed about new material information relating to the matter”.