WAPE JETS see private flights increase significantly

The number of private flights of the Czech company WAPE JETS increased significantly last year, despite the situation in aviation since the beginning of 2020

The number of private flights of the Czech company WAPE JETS increased significantly last year, despite the situation in aviation since the beginning of 2020. A 40 % increase was recorded in comparison with 2018 and 2019.

Closed borders in spring 2020 due to Covid-19 measures de facto stopped air traffic. Aircraft were either grounded or used for repatriation flights. These, however, did not reach the number of flights in private aviation compared to those during normal operations. This fact paralyzed operators themselves, as well as brokers. The situation began to improve in May 2020 with the gradual easing of restrictions in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe. This was also reflected in the statistics, which showed that Europeans traveled mainly in Europe during this period. This trend continued until the end of 2020.

“Despite the new restrictions on movement, people still travel and are flying increasingly often in private jets. This is due to the impossibility of using standard airlines, which have either been canceled or do not meet the needs of the client, and then of course also for reasons of security,” says Zuzana Petakova, founder of WAPE JETS.

With the growing number of flights – a record for this Czech company – new clients are the most valuable commodity.

“In recent months, we have gained a significant number of new users of private aircraft, which goes hand in hand with our new strategy,” adds Zuzana Petakova.

There is a continuing increase of passengers who have switched from Business Class to using private jets.

“Clients who have not yet had the experience of this type of travel are pleasantly surprised both by the ease and speed of the flight organization and the price itself. The price is in many cases comparable to a Business Class flight per person, services are diametrically different and one travels only with those whom you choose to be on board,“ explains Zuzana Petakova.