Nomad Technics performs its first 12 year inspection on an Airbus ACJ319

Nomad Technics has recently completed its first 12 year inspection on an Airbus ACJ319 aircraft.

During this largest maintenance event to be undertaken on an Airbus ACJ319 by Nomad Technics, the 12 year inspection saw a thorough examination of the aircraft’s primary and secondary structure, which required the removal and re-installation of the entire cabin interior. The inspection revealed corrosion with components to be replaced or repaired. In addition the engineers rectified a number of system and structure defects with exceptional technical performance and carried-out inspections and maintenance work on engines and thrust reversers. Functional and operational tests of all aircraft systems concluded the maintenance event. The aircraft was returned to our esteemed customer and is back on its operational scheduled flights.

"The successful completion of this first 12 year inspection on an Airbus ACJ319 is a great milestone for Nomad Technics and will enable us to further enhance our capabilities to offer and execute this type of demanding maintenance services not only on Airbus but also on a variety of other aircraft types", says Serge Kieffer, maintenance manager of Nomad Technics. Thomas Gierlich, the company’s Director Sales & Project Management adds: "We are very proud of our Airbus, cabin and sheet metal teams and the entire organization behind it who were performing very well. We are looking forward to welcoming owners and operators of Airbus aircraft at our Basel/Switzerland facility to demonstrate our highly skilled VVIP aircraft maintenance and bespoke aviation services."